Mental Health of Children in Gaza
The ongoing crisis has severely impacted mental health in Gaza of its population, particularly affecting children and young people who make up 65% of residents.
A Message from Pharmacist Ghada AbuKuwaik
A message from Pharmacist Ghada AbuKuwaik from inside Gaza. She is part of PAMA 5th medical mission to Gaza describing the shortage of staff and
PAMA’s first Wellness Fair
PAMA’s first Wellness Fair at the Mozaic Center in Sterling Virginia. Big thank you to our sponsor Islamic Relief USA for supporting this event and
Phoenix Welcomes PAMA at a First Annual Fundraising Dinner
Thank you Phoenix community for opening your doors to PAMA and supporting our healthcare projects in Palestine. Special thanks to CAIR-AZ and the Palestinian Community
PAMA, Alongside Our Partner (JAPA) And (SAMS)
PAMA, alongside our partners in the Jordanian American Physician Association (JAPA) and the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS), is excited to share the success of
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